Andrea Clisbee Smith

Profile Updated: September 1, 2014
Residing In: Bethesda, MD USA
Spouse/Partner: Ken
Occupation: Graphic Designer
Children: Emery, 21

I got my degree from UC Berkeley in Visual Design. I had the privilege of working as studio assistant for a famous designer in Palo Alto. This gave my career a boost: I worked in advertising, bank marketing, and then had my own company. I moved to Washington, DC in 1984 and worked as a designer for a television station. It was a very stressful job, but it was kind of fun getting to see different celebrities. I got married and had one child, a boy. I now work for a non-profit consumer organization in downtown Washington, DC. I enjoy living in the Washington area because there are so many people from different countries and states everywhere you go, and so many brilliant people working long and hard for different causes. The president of my organization is one of the most intelligent people I've ever met. One time I asked him a question, and I couldn't understand anything he was saying to me in reply. He has worked tirelessly for decades to help the American people in many different ways. Knowing a person like him is a humbling experience.

School Story:

In our senior year, I was voted Most Creative, along with Dennis McSweeny for his creative photography. Dennis and I found what we thought would be a very creative site for our "Most Creative" photo for the yearbook-- a playground with big, amorphous, sculptured shapes somewhere in Alameda. When the yearbook staff saw the photo, which we thought was so cool, a girl exclaimed, "It looks like a giant pelvic bone!" I was embarrassed, and wanted to re-shoot the photo somewhere else, but there wasn't time. And so we're forever captured in our giant pelvic bone.

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Sep 01, 2014 at 9:27 PM

Posted on: Sep 01, 2014 at 7:09 PM

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Posted: Sep 01, 2014 at 7:09 PM